Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
S1E5 - What is Intercultural Competence?
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Dick Feldman explores the concept of intercultural competence. What is it, and what does it have to do with language learning? Why is it important to require students to study a language?
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
S1E4 - Susan Gass - Learning through Conversation
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
In today’s episode, LRC director Dick Feldman speaks with Susan Gass, Distinguished Professor from Michigan State University department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages. The two discuss pair work and how students acquire and build language skills when conversing with each other, regardless of any mistakes their partners make.
Susan Gass is a senior researcher in the field of second-language acquisition who has published extensively on language pedagogy-related topics. Among other areas, she has been especially central to the development of the importance of interaction in language learning.
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
S1E3 - Are There Good and Bad Language Learners?
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
On this episode, we take a step back and ask the question: are there good and band language students? Do some people have a knack for languages that gives them some sort of advantage? We chat once again with the director of the Language Resource Center at Cornell University, Dick Feldman.
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
S1E2 - English in the World
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Today we talk about a familiar language, English, and its place in the world. Dick Feldman, director of the Language Resource Center, discusses how non-native English speakers deal with some of the complexities of the language.
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
S1E1 - Audiolingual Method and Reel-to-Reel Tape
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
One recent project at the Language Resource Center has been to archive a substantial number of vintage, language-related tapes, many of which were recorded at Cornell. Dick Feldman, director of the Language Resource Center, talks about the process of dealing with this rare material.